Seshadri Swamigal Ashram
The Ashram is located in the city of Thiruvannamalai, TamilNadu.
The caption found in the the Ashram is more than of a philanthropist, and it goes like this:
“Feeding hungry souls is one of the quickest ways to attain Divine Grace.
Send food or money to organizations that feed the needy, and send a prayer
to GOD to feed all hungry souls everywhere.”
This Ashram was built in the twelfth century by Seshadri Swamigal, who was a saint. This serene atmosphere make the perfect place for those who come here, to meditate and listen to the sweet melodies of silence. Very close to this Ashram, is the Ramana Ashram.
In an open garden under the tress, poojas are performed in this Ashram. Devotees can meditate in this garden facing holy hill of Arunachalam. There is a bookstall inside selling photos and books. There is limited accommodation and a canteen for devotees, where charges are only nominal.
Ashram Timings:
Ashram is open from 0600-1300 hours and
from 1600-2100 hours.